Journey To ADS !
STF is striving towards the adaptation of Apple’s learning vision to accomplish the goal of becoming a technology-advanced school.
Learning in class with the full usage of iPad
Students are given the opportunity to use iPad during class to facilitate the learning session.
Adapting the class environment with Apple’s apps
Teachers encourage the students to make full use of Apple’s apps in the iPad regarding any academical materials.
Educate students regarding the usage of iPad
Every new students will be educated by facilitators called Tech Leaders to broaden their knowledge of the various uses of iPad.
The establishment of the Apple’s apps expert, Tech Leaders
To create the proficient generations of Apple users and ingrain the professionalism in technology for students.
Tech Leader
Apple Students
Apple Teacher
Our Objective
Students inspired to use their critical thinking and honed various of skills in solving problems with the guidance of Apple technology.
Students aspired to be a highly integrated students and express themselves by using their creativity with Apple technology for the new culture of learning.
Students creates brand new opportunities with the utmost usage of Apple technology to provide advance futuristic learning.
Frequently Asked Questions
STF is known as one of the most top school's in Malaysia. Thus, many questions were heard from the public regarding the informance of Apple Education for the students.
What Is Apple Distinguised School
Apple Distinguished Schools are centers of leadership and educational excellence that demonstrate Apple's vision for learning with technology.
What does it mean to be an Apple distinguished educator?
The Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) program has recognized educators from around the world using Apple technology to transform teaching and learning.
What is the effort of stf in getting apple distinguished school?
Students are proficient in the use of Apple products such as iPad and iMac. In the meantime, STF students use the Apple platform innovatively. They also apply the use of Keynote, iMovie, Pages and more in PDPC learning.